Kaliakra Cape
Kaliakra Now largely protected, the Kaliakra area hosts a unique blend of dramatic cliffs, unpolluted crystal waters and rolling countryside. The area is famous for its dolphins and sea bird nesting sites, both attracted to its secluded undeveloped location. Just 20 minutes from the coastal town of Kavarna, Cape Kalikara contains a bronze age archeological site and fort. The Cape is popular with eco and cultural tourists who visit in increasing numbers each year.
Kaliakra History
A number of famous naval battles took place off the cape over its history and, due to the very clear and clean waters, wreck diving is highly recommended.
Kaliakra Tourism
Beyond eco-tourism, the area is developing into a hub for golfing enthusiasm attracted to the dramatic scenary and increasing number of golf courses in the area. Sailing while new to Bulgaria is growing quickly with a number of established and new marinas available. The region includes quiet coves and many beaches, many inaccesible except by sea. For those looking to escape the crowded sailing areas in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea coast is becoming an increasingly popular alternative.
Kaliakra Geography
The cape stretches 2km deep into the sea and consists of 60-70m-high limestone rocks, the inaccessibility of which has been the main reason for the construction of an ancient fortress named Tirisis there. The fortress was successively used by Tracians, Romans, Byzantines and Bulgarians. According to legends, the fortress was guarding the treasuries of Lyzimah, successor of Alexander the Great. Today there are quite many remains of those ancient settlements, which can be seen exhibited in a small museum. One can also read there a legend telling the story of several Bulgarian girls who chose to jump from the high cape into the sea but not to be captured and converted to Islam by the Turks.
The Kaliakra cape was declared a protected area in 1941. The protected area has since been expanded already three times and currently reaches some 50 ha. It is one of the few places where the rare species of seal-monks, found only in the northern part of the Bulgarian coast, were to be seen not long ago. A few decades ago, about 130 of these rare animals were counted in the area. Unfortunately, water pollution, illegal hunting and development of the tourism industry were the key reasons for their extinction in the early 80's. Back in 1980, the protected area was expanded again and today it reaches 687 ha.
Kaliakra Archeology
An interesting site worth also seeing in the close vicinity to Kaliakra is the Plateau of Dobrudja. Between Kaliakra and Shabla a couple of bays, enclosed by stone blocks and foliage form picturesque terraces. The area is known as the Kamen Briag or Stone Coast. Yailata, an archeological site is situated nearly. Tombs dating back up to 8,000 have been discovered. Elaborate homes in caves of up to four or five rooms have also been found.
Culturally rich, the area has been inhabited by by Thracian, Hellenes, Romans, Slavs and Old Bulgarians.